Cohiba Siglo II Cuban Cigars
Size: 5 x 42
Strength: Medium
The Cohiba Siglo II is a standout in the esteemed Cohiba lineup, part of the celebrated Linea 1492 that commemorates the 500th Anniversary of Columbus’s arrival in Cuba. Known for its exceptional quality, the Siglo II offers a rich and balanced smoking experience that appeals to both seasoned aficionados and newcomers alike.
Unique Production Process
Cohiba cigars are crafted from the “selection of the selection” of the finest tobacco leaves sourced from the most prestigious fields in the Vuelta Abajo region. This area is renowned for its ideal growing conditions, which produce some of the highest quality tobacco in the world. The leaves used for the Siglo II are hand-selected from the top five Vegas de Primera (first-class fields), ensuring only the best are chosen.
What sets Cohiba apart is its unique production method. After harvesting, the tobacco undergoes an additional fermentation process in barrels. This meticulous step enhances the aroma and flavor profile, resulting in a cigar that delivers a complexity and richness that is distinctive to Cohiba.
Each Cohiba Siglo II is made using the traditional Tripa Larga, Totalmente a Mano technique, meaning it is entirely hand-rolled with long filler tobacco. This artisanal approach not only ensures consistency but also allows the cigar to burn evenly, enhancing the overall smoking experience.
Flavor Profile
Upon lighting the Siglo II, smokers can expect a medium-bodied flavor with a delightful balance of rich cocoa and subtle spice notes. The complexity builds throughout the smoking experience, revealing hints of creaminess and a gentle sweetness that lingers on the palate.
About Cohiba Cigars
Cohiba stands as the flagship brand of Habanos S.A., synonymous with luxury and quality. Made exclusively from the best tobacco leaves in the San Juan y Martínez and San Luis areas of the Vuelta Abajo, Cohiba cigars are characterized by their rich aromas and flavors, thanks to the additional fermentation of the “Seco” and “Ligero” leaves.
Indulging in a Cohiba Siglo II is not just about enjoying a cigar; it’s about savoring a piece of history and craftsmanship that has made Cohiba one of the most prestigious names in the world of cigars. Whether celebrating a special occasion or simply enjoying a moment of relaxation, the Siglo II promises an unforgettable experience.
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