Terms & Conditions


These agreements (“Conditions”) are legitimate for each item request a shopper puts on The Site.

By putting in your request, you affirm that you have perused, acknowledged, and consented to conform to these Circumstances. You additionally affirm that you recognize the data about private information and agree to the utilization of your own information as indicated by the Miss Tobacco security strategy.

Miss Tobacco maintains whatever authority is needed to change these Circumstances whenever. Each change will be distributed on The Site and is legitimate from when you acknowledge the Circumstances through another request. The arrangements in the Swedish Shopper Buys Regulation (1990:932), the Swedish Distance Endlessly contracts outside Business Premises Regulation (2005:59), and the Swedish Individual Information Regulation (1998:204) as well as the Overall Information Security Guideline apply to all buys made by purchasers on The Site.

Request and buy arrangement

By finishing your request, you affirm that you have perused and acknowledged these Circumstances. The buy understanding may be closed after your request has been affirmed by Miss Tobacco through an affirmation email to the email address you gave while putting in the request. If it’s not too much trouble, note that you should be no less than 21 years of age to have the option to go into an agreement with Miss Tobacco and the agreement must be finished up with buyers with a conveyance address in the above recorded nations.

Miss Tobacco’s help may just be utilized by people. Miss Tobacco claims all authority to decline a request in the event that Haypp suspects that the request isn’t planned for the Client’s confidential use. In the event of doubt that the Client or the Client’s structure doesn’t meet Miss Tobacco’s agreements, or if there should arise an occurrence of doubt of different kinds of abnormalities or abuse of the help, Miss Tobacco claims all authority to decline, drop or change a Client’s organization. Besides, Miss Tobacco claims all authority to decline, drop or change a Client’s structure in the event of doubt of inconsistencies in association with the Client’s utilization of a special gift or markdown.


Individuals younger than 21 are not allowed to put orders at The Site. To have the option to shop you really want to confirm your age while finishing the buy. As well as affirming your age yourself, you as need might arise to be 21 years or more seasoned to finish the exchange.

A request made in someone else’s name (misrepresentation of a record), or in whatever other way that makes Miss Tobacco gamble a monetary harm, will be accounted for to the specialists. Miss Tobacco maintains all authority to decline to do a request assuming abnormalities or abuse of our request capability are thought.

Costs and charges

All costs and costs on The Site are charged in USD ($), including the item costs all through The Site and the transportation costs. Extraordinary expenses might apply if there should arise an occurrence of an unredeemed bundle.

Prior to finishing your request at the checkout, you need to pick the conveyance technique, after which the expenses for your request, including delivering costs and material charges, will be determined.

Installment at the hour of procurement (items and conveyance)
The card installment at The Site is done by Miss Tobacco’s installment supplier PayEx. PayEx offers a scope of installment techniques relying upon country, which are accessible in the checkout on the Site, including Visa, Mastercard and Amex. For additional data, kindly allude to PayEx’s agreements.

Miss Tobacco individual information dealing with

Individual information is dealt with as indicated by the Miss Tobacco security strategy. By requesting items at The Site you affirm that you have perused and acknowledged the Miss Tobacco security strategy and that the individual information you have expressed is right.

Conveyance and conveyance time

Miss Tobacco offers a scope of various delivery options relying upon the size of the bundling, your place of home and so forth. The transportation options as well as the conveyance time for each delivery elective are additionally depicted in the checkout at the Site. While requesting through UPS (Standard and Express) you might have to introduce a legitimate distinguishing proof at conveyance. In this manner, just the individual putting in the request at The Site ought to get the request.

Unredeemed bundle/shipment

A bundle transported by any of our conveyance choices will either be sent back to Miss Tobacco or disposed of in the event that you have not had the option to reclaim it. Unredeemed bundles are generally not seen as an activity of your freedoms of return.

Protests and returns

On the off chance that an item contrasts from the buy understanding or does in any case not relate to the depiction given by Miss Tobacco, you reserve the privilege to submit a question about the item to Miss Tobacco.

All things considered you’re free to submit a question about your item. You can contact our client care group to record an objection here.

The right of protest just incorporates issues at conveyance (and not shortcomings that for example happened because of the item’s lapsed timeframe of realistic usability or because of typical mileage). You really want to inform Miss Tobacco about the shortcoming inside a sensible time from when you found or ought to have found the issue and at the most recent two months after you got the item. Miss Tobacco hence prescribes you to painstakingly investigate items straightforwardly after getting them.

Contingent upon the sort of item issue we might expect you to give visual confirmation. All through the recovery period you are expected to hold unique bundling, pressing slip and the items being referred to.

Contingent upon the degree of the harm you will actually want to get a substitution, remediation, or a cost decrease. For additional cases, surpassing the expenses of the item, Miss Tobacco will act as per the Swedish Shopper Buy Regulation.

Transport harms

For issues in regards to move harms to be settled as fast as could really be expected, we sympathetically request that you keep the item bundling for review. To have the option to guarantee a recovery on items you likewise need to demonstrate your buy from The Site, for example through the request affirmation or receipt Miss Tobacco shipped off the email address you gave in association your buy. We may likewise demand visual evidence of harms.

Right of withdrawal and returns

We don’t acknowledge returns since Miss Tobacco’s porducts are new with a restricted time span of usability. Nonetheless, in the event that there was an issue with your request (item varies from the buy understanding or does in any case not compare to the portrayal given by Miss Tobacco), you can contact our client care group to demand a discount. See more data in regards to compalaints above under Objections and returns.

Force majeure

Miss Tobacco isn’t expected to satisfy the buy arrangement assuming the satisfaction is convoluted because of an occasion beyond the sensible control of Miss Tobacco (for example changed regulation, government measures, strikes, bars, damage, war, psychological oppression, fire, floods, cataclysmic events, or other exceptional occasions). Such conditions additionally ease Miss Tobacco from the commitment to pay. Assuming these conditions last longer than two (2) months, both the shopper and Miss Tobacco reserve the privilege to drop the buy with quick impact.

Cost and item data on The Site

Miss Tobacco endeavors to ensure that all data gave on The Site is right, however with bookings for restricted availabilities and potential blunders in pictures or composing, for example mistakes in item depictions, wrong costs, or mistaken data about stock accessibility. Miss Tobacco besides maintains whatever authority is needed to address such blunders whenever and change or update data. All photos on The Site are expected as delineations and can’t ensure the specific appearance or state of the item.


By presenting an item survey on The Site, you give Miss Tobacco the option to distribute it on The Site and different channels and media. Miss Tobacco likewise claims all authority to not distribute and additionally erase submitted surveys.


For questions with respect to these Circumstances or systems in regards to one side to return, grievances, transport harm, and so on, if it’s not too much trouble, contact Miss Tobacco client assistance here. While reaching us, you will be approached to give your request number, which you can track down in the request affirmation.

Miss Tobacco agrees with the Swedish Public Board for Buyer Questions’ suggestions.

Debates among Miss Tobacco and a buyer might be alluded to the Swedish Public Board for Customer Questions for a judgment. The location of the Swedish Public Board for Buyer Debates is Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm and their site is www.arn.se. If all else fails, questions can be settled through a general court.

The Site contains alleged Cookiess to compute and report the quantity of clients and the traffic and to guarantee that you as buyer are signed in and approved to see the items in The Site. In the event that the utilization of Cookiess isn’t acknowledged, you can change the Cookies settings on your program’s assistance menu. You can peruse our total Cookies strategy here.

Cookies Strategy FOR Miss Tobacco

What is a Cookies?

A Cookies is a little message record that is put away on, and during ensuing visits recovered from, your PC, tablet, cell phone or comparative gadgets when you visit the site www.Miss Tobacco.com (“the Site”), which has a place with Miss Tobacco Scandinavia Stomach muscle (“Miss Tobacco”). Cookiess permit the memorable Site, for instance, data about your visit so we can give you a superior client experience.
There are two kinds of Cookiess: tenacious Cookiess and meeting Cookiess. The tireless Cookiess are put away on your gadget for a more drawn out timeframe after your program has been shut and are utilized, for instance, to log the decisions during prior visits. Meeting Cookiess are put away briefly in your program, for instance, to recall what language you chose. These are deleted consequently after your program is shut.
There are likewise outsider Cookiess, implying that the Cookiess don’t start from us, yet from another person. Outsider Cookiess are frequently utilized for web measurements, like Google Examination.

For what intention are Cookiess utilized on the Site?

Miss Tobacco purposes determined Cookiess and meeting Cookiess to work with the utilization of the Site. Cookiess are likewise used to store data between your visits.

Miss Tobacco purposes outsider Cookiess for investigation of the utilization of the Site, which shapes the reason for our advancement pushing ahead. See more data about unambiguous outsider Cookiess underneath.

Utilization of Google Examination (outsider Cookies)

Miss Tobacco purposes Google Examination, which is a laid out item from Google that utilizes Cookiess to comprehend on a general level how the guest communicates with the Site. The data contained in these Cookiess, including your IP address, will be given to research, put away and involved by Google Examination on servers in the US.

How would I switch off Cookiess?

In the event that you decide not to acknowledge the utilization of Cookiess on the Site, you can basically switch off or restrict Cookiess utilizing your program’s security settings capability. Utilize your program’s assist capability with figuring out how.
Assuming you block or cutoff Cookiess on the Site, it is conceivable that you can not utilize the entirety of the administrations and capabilities on the Site.

Data about private information

Peruse more about how Miss Tobacco purposes your own information in our Protection Strategy.